Home > Divas, HC BD Series, SyncStream, Wednesday Mixes > Spring Divas…FINALLY
29 Apr

Spring Divas…FINALLY

Spring Divas


Finally I gave up on being a perfectionist on the cover art,

and I stopped letting it keep a good mix from your ears.

Sorry for the delay, but here is a new edition to the DIVAS series.

This one features a few of the old standbys…


Katy Pery

and a few new comers

Demi Levato

Lady Gaga

and a few others.

I seemed to have misplaced the track listing, but I’m pretty sure

that once your ears get a hold of it, you’ll be able to figure out who they are.

In the meantime, I’m busy getting BOMBS 7, 8, and 9 ready.

For those of you keeping count…

I’m sure you are asking what happened to BOMBS 6…

Well that is quickly following this post.

Stay tuned.

Yours in Groove

DJ Nave E

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