Home > HC BD Series > HCBD Relocated
04 Oct

HCBD Relocated

Time to wake the neighbors...again

Time to wake the neighbors…again


2013 has been a year of many different changes.

Style, Substance, Form, and Location.

With the recent move, things have been a bit chaotic.

Moving can be a good thing, it can also be challenging.

While the exodus from my previous work space,

and the acclimation to my new environment,

a few things have taken time to get back to normal.

AGAIN, I apologize to you, the fans for leaving you hanging.

Well, now that the new location is up and and semi-functional,

what better way to introduce myself to the neighbors, than by re-christening

the old HCBD series.

Ok, ok, ok, I know, the name is different,

but the end result is still the same.

Another banger for your ears.

This one started off as a curve ball,

however it was a bit too out there.

I had to decide what I wanted

the rebirth of the HBCD monkier

to sound like.

What is the DJ Nave E sound?

Well, I can’t say this is completely representative.

Although I can say, this in spirit…if not form..

is closely representative of some of the sonic mayhem

that can be experienced live.

With the current changes in the sonic landscape,

it’s only right that I evolve.

Well, enough about me…let’s get to the mix shall we?

This one has quite a few interesting features…

By now, you should be used to my completely left field openers.

Kanye West is about as left field as they get, and so is this track!

The Prodigy…wait…yes…THOSE guys…

Depeche Mode (Walter this ones for you)

Tosch feat. Christina ( C. Hartwig, this ones for u)

W&W & Ummet Ozcan vs Culture Club (Griff, this one’s ALL YOU)

Mobin Master Tate Strauss & Rave Radio

DJ Absinth

Hannover House Mafia

Chuckie & Hardwell Feat. Ambush

Will I Am Feat. Brittney Spears


Tujamo & Plastik Funk


Knife Party

Millions Like Us & Eddie K

Sub Focus feat. Alex Clare

G&G vs. Dave Darell Feat Robin Bengtsson

Cosmic Funk closes things out.

Well, with that closes another set, and with that…


Won’t you be MY neighbor?

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