29 Sep

Lounge Werk Part 1

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Here’s the opening set list for the 4 hour show

performed live at Cocktail Lounge

in Chicago’s Iconic lakeview neighborhood.

Stones throw from Wrigley field.

ATFC feat Lisa Shaw

Nicole Scherzinger

Kelly Clarkson

Britney Spears

Daft Punk

Enrique Iglesias


Scissor Sisters

George Michael

Frisco Disco Vs. Boney M feat Ski

Elton John vs Pnau

Armand Van Helden

Natalia Kills



This is only the first disc of the entire 4 hour set…stay tuned as

the rest of the set is shared.

  1. September 29th, 2012 at 18:31 | #1

    Kudos to Derek Johnson and Custom Image Photography in Chicago for the new snaps and this mixes cover photo of yours truly.

  1. October 9th, 2012 at 16:27 | #1

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