Home > Original Productions > Floor Werk
31 Aug

Floor Werk

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An Original Synergetic Production



Well what can I say about this little ditty?

Nothing other than it follows in the vein of

July 4th Banger in it’s style, delivery and execution.

This one definitely makes you want to move,

and if you play it loud enough,

so will your floor!

This song inspired the mix

Floor Werk Da Mix

and is going to also be the template for future releases.

With the volume of songs, I’m slowly working on an album of

original material.

Film @ 11 on that one.

This song has TWO versions actually.

This is the mix friendly version clocking in at 132 BPM,

and clocking in at 6 minutes and 15 seconds.

However the ORIGINAL version is a leisurely 125 BPM.

There is a sensuality about the groove after the first break that

just flows better at 125.

That is most likely the version that will wind up on that

aforementioned album that should be coming before the end of the year.

Well enough yammering, time for some pounding.

From the bassheads at Synergetic Productions

and DJ Nave E.



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