Home > Master Level > Hooked yet? Time to go Over the EDGE
24 Aug

Hooked yet? Time to go Over the EDGE



With the melodic yet upbeat beginnings of  “To The Edge” getting you all primed and ready,

“Over The EDGE” takes you one step further down the  spiral.

Notching the BPM’s up just a tad to a clubland standard of 132

and getting it more minimalistic beats and melodies

this disc has a slightly “EDGIER” groove to it.

A little bit harder, tad bit deeper, and more grit ensures that whatever your pleasure, this is definitely a step in the right direction.

As promised this isn’t the end, but only preps you for the splash down ending of “…to the wall” and it’s frenetic 136 BPM

This disc also incorporates more subtle production work and re-working of a few tracks to achieve the sonic experience I’ve been looking to achieve.

I’d like to name tracks, but honestly, there are very few you would recognize title wise, so I won’t tease you with things you might not be able to find except for in this very mix.

So without further pomp and circumstance, let’s continue our aural journey and pick up where we left off.

Hopefully you can hang on till the end, there’s a big surprise waiting for ya.

Till next installment

Yours in Groove

DJ Nave E

Categories: Master Level
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